Pepgra as Facilitators
- The role of Pepgra is to act as a facilitator providing qualified experts involved in creating authentic content for clients.
- Services of Pepgra is engaged by clients enabling them to execute multiple activities involving; research work, writing and allied tasks for a period that has been prefixed as per the terms and conditions.
- Any delivery time period or pricing specified on the website is for representation purposes only and cannot be considered as final. The prices and delivery dates will be finalized after duly considering the requirements and the scope of the work.
- Pepgra does not encourage direct contact with the expert. The first point of contact for clients will be the Project Coordinator (PC) who will connect the client with the expert.
- Pepgra also refrains from providing personal contact numbers of project coordinator or experts. Clients will be provided with an official contact number on which they can contact the experts via project coordinators.
- Once the project is confirmed and if for any reason the client opts to cancel the order at a later stage, the client would still be liable to pay 50% out of the payment initially agreed.
- In the event that the client has already made the full payment, only 50% of the payment will be refunded or the percentage of refund will depend upon the quantum of work that has already been executed.
- If upon completion of the project the customer is not satisfied with the work or if the work executed does not live up to the expected standards or the work is conceptually wrong, Tutor’s India ensures to modify the work or even redo the entire work at no extra cost.
- In case the client decides to change the requirements after the execution of work which is satisfactory and meets the expected standards, the client will be liable to pay an additional cost.
Organizational Structure of Pepgra
Pepgra consists of three separate departments where
Admin Division
- Each client is received, discussed and analysed about their requirement, fixing the commitment, negotiation in the commitment and the projects are confirmed at ‘Information’ department or ‘admin department.’ Any queries as follows, but not limited to, such as
- Title, Type of work
- Project cost
- Payment modes and Currency conversion
- Balance payment procedure / Instalment payment procedure
- Payment receipt / Non-receipt status / Payment Acknowledgement status
- Additional project requirement (regarding word count for content development, editing, and proofreading, plagiarism correction, formatting and referencing, Data addition, data change, data creation, illustration/artwork services)
- Additional service requirement (Extension of deadline, Earlier dispatch, extension of timeline for feedback/comments, Extension of timeline for publications)
- Additional Requirements / Attachments / Guidelines / Instructions (other than the initial commitment)
- Primary data (in excel sheet format / as interview transcripts format) / Secondary data / Supporting book sources (other than the initial commitment)
- Refunds are to be discussed only with the admin department (admin@tutorsindia.com) or information department (info@tutorsindia.com) and not with the experts’ team or guidance department.